"Igniting young minds with faith, knowledge, and skills for a lifetime."

In 2024, parents and school leaders brainstormed ways to present children with unique, high-quality educational experiences beyond the standard curriculum. We asked, how can we provide rich experiences that are practical and provide ready-to-use skills? The result? Inspire Christian Learning and Inspire Summer Camps. Curated by professors, industry experts, and leaders in their fields, and crafted with a thoughtful, rich schedule, Inspire is designed as a holistic experience, grounded in values. Inspire’s goal is to replicate and multiply camp opportunities, expand into one-day intensive workshops, and provide meaningful experiences for students, building skills for a lifetime of success.
Meet Our Founding Team
Our Inspire Education Council (IEC) consists of scholars and professionals in their field, all who share a passion for learning. The IEC is committed to providing high-quality content for Inspire experiences and working with camp leaders to ensure Inspire is one of the best learning opportunities around. Click on an IEC member to learn more.
Inspire Christian Learning provides faith-based, high-quality educational experiences that nurtures spiritual growth, academic excellence, and a love for lifelong learning.